About SG-Creations

By Sue Gregori • • 8 Apr 2013

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Thank you for dropping by my website.


I created this site to give the free Claddagh pot holder pattern a permanent home and to share some of the great sites I’ve found that taught me how to double knit.

By day I’m a 54 year old, Chemical Engineer, consulting for an energy saving industrial refrigeration control company and in my free time, I like to knit, garden (veggies & dahlias), cook, crafts, wood work, fix things, walk in local parks, computer games (CIV & Neopets) and spend time with my boyfriend, friends and family.

Maybe some day (soon?) I’ll be set-up to sell my other knitting patterns on-line as well.

If you would like a pattern before that time, I can sell any of the patterns (via you mailing me a check and me e-mailing you a pdf of the pattern).  Just leave a  message and I’ll contact you.  (Current price range: $3-$4.75, but will go up once I have to paypal or other service fees)

Here’s some more details about my other hobbies:

My 2012 Dahlia Garden

Cotton yarn dying


On other websites I frequent, that you may have seen me on:

http://www.knittingdaily.com as six_legged

http://www.ravelry.com/ as sixlegged

http://www.neopets.com as six_legged