My new neighbor and I talk over the fence, share a common interests in gardening, arts (he’s an artist/craftsman) and he lets me come over and play with and love his dogs.
When he showed me his a piece of his crafts, I was amazed at how clever and colorful his art was. He had taken a wooden stool, burned in an intricate design and painted it with lots of color. It was so colorful and yet balanced and playful. I knew my potholders were no way near his skill level, but I had to show him, since I was hoping that maybe he would fill the gap of critical, constructive feedback that I miss from my mom’s eye….And hopefully give me some of his perspective, so I can improve my art of pot holder designing.
So I offered to make him one and asked what colors, style, motif he has or would like in his kitchen. He very much was attracted to the deep aqua blue of the mermaid potholder and liked bees.
I set out to create and came up with a few designs and color options to show him to see if he would collaborate or give feedback before I stated knitting. To my dismay, he wanted me to have the ‘freedom’ to create, my own creation. When I asked if he wanted me to pick the second color or….would he like White & Aqua (crisp & clean), soft Yellow and Aqua (colors work ok, and yellow is a typical bee color) or Red and Aqua (bold, retro), he stopped me at the Red and Aqua.
I ended up switching to Lily’s ‘swimming pool’ for the aqua since both the red and aqua had the same amount of color saturation which hid the pattern and reminded me more of the Spider-man logo and less retro 50’s.